Do you ever wonder when you lay down at night before you fall asleep, how you got back to the pillow that night? Was your day just packed full of responsiblities to tend to and you barely had enough time to think of yourself? Where did all that precious time vanish too? I was driving home around 7pm last night literally exhausted from work. I was having a hard time keeping up with my thoughts. It had become one of those drives that when I got home,I was not sure how I got there. I was driving down Boulter Street about to approach my house when I experienced an "AHA" moment. I was minding my own business when I came to some rail road tracks and had to slam on my brakes and wait for some young boys ride their bikes across the road. At first I was annoyed, because they did not watch where they were going. I wanted to roll down my window and yell at them, and I almost did, but I stopped myself when I saw the last kid chasing his friends down the road to barely catch up with them. I took a deep breath and something changed. I gladly stopped my car and smiled at myself. I immediatly thought why are you annoyed? These boys are just playing. Let them play! Chill out and wait for them to ride by! Why are you always in a hurry?! They are enjoying the awesome spring night riding their bikes with their friends without any cares in the world. They are playing! Those sweet, innocent boys get it! They are putting the life into living. Something that I have rarely done lately in my own life. That scene made me go down memory lane. I had a few tears in my eyes, and thought about when I used to ride my pink banana seat bike down Somerdowns Ct, where I grew up! I remember the feelings of being carefree and in love with my day. Living a simple life. Eventually yes, we all grow up. But why do we all have to stop chasing our dreams. Or why do we take for granted our days and take out the simplicity? Instead the day passes us by so fast that it literally feels like the day is chasing us down. I NEVER slam on my brakes! I am always trying to keep up with my busy schedule. It changed my perspective on many levels. I decided that I am going to take a little more time to be aware of what is around me. Something as simple as stopping for a minute just to look up at the sky, or mountains. Maybe it is taking the time to smile at a stranger, or to just stop myself in my tracks to breathe for a second. Maybe its to just turn down the radio when I am driving home from work. Maybe it is taking a walk outside and getting fresh air. I thank those little boys last night for showing me something so simple by riding their bikes so carefree down the road. I was glad that they stopped me in my tracks, and forced me to slam on my brakes for a moment. It made me feel grateful that I am still alive, and that I need to put the LIFE back into my LIVING.
We make a LIVING by what we get, but we make a LIFE by what we give.
Winston Churchill