Well I DID IT!I attempted and successfully completed the longest one day road biking race in the United States. The course travels from Logan and ends in the beautiful and to say the least BREATHTAKING Jackson Hole Teton Village. All together the race goes through 3 states, Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming with a total of 206 miles and over 11,000 feet in elevation gain. I look forward to this race every year and I was especially excited for this year. The day was filled with the most exhilarating feelings of happiness, determination, pain, tears, joy, and complete rush! I am so blessed to have the health and endurance of my body to withstand such a day on my bike. I started the race at 7:04 am and crossed the finish line at 6:45 pm that evening. It was amazing to see the support there for me throughout the day. I cannot thank Megan, Jessie, and my cousin Janessa for being there for me to help feed me and make sure that everything was in tact for my ride. I have AMAZING friends, and family. Thank you to my parents for riding along side me when I needed them the most. Thank you to Keena Shaereer for riding with me as a mentor and support, I couldn't of asked for a better rider and friend to hang with throughout the day. Shane Evans, your a rockstar! Thank you for riding with me through one of the toughest parts of the race along the snake river canyon (the last 47 miles). Thank you to Julie Labrum, Whitney Pogue (my sister), and Sue Kertesz for the endless support of friendship and for always knowing what I need to survive on the bike. I love you! I am so grateful today for the talents I have and for the oppertunity this was for my life. It brought inspiration, humility, and confidence in my life and I am so happy to be alive! LIVE LOVE RIDE! Here is some pictures of my day. Enjoy!

Abbey and Keena ready to start! Janessa are you ready for a long day of supporting these crazy gals! :)

Just me ready to start a day full of fun :)

On our way from Montepeliar to Afton mile 90! 116 to go!

Me and my best friends and support! Montepeliar rest stop, mile 65!

Another pic of me and my girls!

Lotoja finish line! PHEW!

I'm finished! I had crossed about 5 minutes prior to this picture. My support crew. Jessie, Megan and Janessa! My legs were jello! I was so happy!

The three of us together. Finished! Abbey, Keena, and Shane! We rode most of the day together. I LOVE YOU GUYS!
Way to go Abs! You're amazing!
YOU ROCK SISTA!! You are a super stud on that rode bike!! What an accomplishment!!
WOW, WOW, WOW... you are amazing! Good job! I think you are awesome!
Way to go! YOu are a rockstar!!
Wow what a ride. Good job!!
you are so inspirational!! when do you teach spinning? i need my butt kicked!!
Ok so I sound like a broken record on here....YOU ARE AMAZING!!!! You are phenomonal! Yes and so inspiring! Good luck tues Abs, hope to see you soon! love ya
that makes my butt hurt just thinking about it, its a dang good thing that you have a tiny one!!! CONGRATS you are freaking amazing! And WE NEED TO DO LUNCH!!!! LOVE YOU
So proud of you girl, and yes, we will be riding that bad boy together next year! Watch out Lotoja 2009! :) Good luck tomorrow and let me know how it goes along with your boy...:)
HOLY COW!! You are amazing!! I'm so impressed. I probably couldn't even ride a mile, and you rode, what, a zillion?!? Way to go!!
You are incredible Abbey, you really are. Good job!
Ok, this is totally random, but I've been to a some of your classes at Lifetime, and we have some of the same friends (I found your blog off of Annie's)...anyway, I just stumbled onto here and read this post (awesome job by the way..you're an incredible rider) and low and behold you were riding with my cousin, Shane! I read his name and I was thought there was no way, but then I saw the pic further down and it was confirmed! Random, small world!
Congrats Abbey! That is such an amazing accomplishment. I hope to be there next year :)
you are amazing!!! how many people can say that....but it's so so true!!
oh how I've missed you at the gym!! hope all is well:)
You rock! Are you in for next year? I want to train with you for sure but I can't tell you that I'm not scared to DEATH... cuz I am but BRING iT ON! xoxox
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